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"Carpet Burn" is a fiction short film written, directed, and produced by Sophie Winston, based on the poem she wrote, for her Cinema Production class. The goal was to put lighting, cinematography, directing, producing, sound design, and editing skills into practice.

"Sometimes" is a fiction short film written, directed, and produced by Sophie Winston, following in her poetry series alongside "Carpet Burn" as her final project for her Cinema Production class. The project was a culmination of all that was learned in the class in terms of technical and artistic choices.

This film was written, directed, and produced by Sophie Winston is a 30 second animated PSA or Commercial that encourages Elon students to participate in the 2020 elections through voting and/or volunteering. The goal was to put sound design, recording, and editing skills into practice.  

This documentary was written, directed, and produced by Sophie Winston for her Creating Multimedia Content class. The goal was to make a compelling, short video about an important moment or event that impacted our partners lives and share their story using the composition guidelines, different shots sizes/angles, good lighting, and b-roll.

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